Documentary Proposal


Life Line (working title) will be a documentary that will focus on the Kids Help Phone hot-line and the counsellors who work behind the phones. I feel it is important to acknowledge the people on the other end of the line and it would be nice to showcase how strong counsellors must be in order to deal with all types of situations. The project would also shine some light on the current situation with teens, mental health and the services available to them. The people at Kids Help Phone have also informed me that the theme for their annual Kids Help Phone walk is actually “Break the silence around mental health – Walk so Kids can Talk”.

I will be focusing on one experienced counsellor named Veronique Houde. I will speak with her and interview her, using her experience to build an image of what the Kids Help Phone organization means to numerous children and teens, and why a service like this is so necessary.  I will be filming at the office where the actual calls are taken.

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