Work Schedule



March 29 2011: as of this date, I have the majority of my footage as I filmed last Tuesday, March 22, 2011 at the Kids Help Phone headquarters.  I have already uploaded my clips, picked out some of my favorite parts and have started transcribing them. I have pick out the major problems and am setting out to fix them.

April 5 : Possibly use class time to begin editing, converting files that need to the converted. Determine order of clips.

April 12: Edit in class.  Continue to edit in the labs the rest of the week.

April 19: Screen rough cuts in class

April 26: Continue to edit in class/ own time. Use tips and criticism given during screening to rough cuts to make any major changes before making little tweaks.

May 3: Fine editing in class, perfecting little things.

May 10: Video due, final screening.

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